Code Name local Name Scientific name Familly
1 Madeleine sardinella grande allache sardinella medenesis Pelagic
122 Three-banded Butterflyfish Chaetodon robustus Demersal
127 Spotfin burrfish Chilomycterus reticulates Demersal
128 Guinean burrfish Chilomycterus spinos mauretanicus Demersal
14 Agassiz smooth-head Alepocephalus agassizii Demersal
199 African Spadefish Ephippus goreensis Demersal
201 Bigeye Epigonus pandionis Demersal
230 Torpedo Dragonfish Grammatostomias dentatus Demersal
25 Blind cusk eels Aphyonus rassi Demersal
26 Bigtooth Cardinalfish Apogon affinis Demersal
29 Cape scaldfish Arnoglossus capensis Demersal
293 Small mouth moonflounder Monolene microstoma Demersal
30 Scaldfish Arnoglossus laterna Demersal
308 Blackfin sorcerer Nettastoma melanurum Demersal
34 Silver hatchetfish Argyropelecus olfersi Demersal
393 European pilchard Sardina pilchardus Demersal
4 African sergeant Abudefduf hoefleri Demersal
420 Sawtooth eels Serrivomer schmidti Demersal
482 Agulha Tylosurus acus imperialis Demersal
483 Atlantic Agujon needlefish Tylosurus acus rafale Demersal
52 Grey triggerfish Balistes capriscus Demersal
59 Vaillant's grenadier Bathygadus melanobranchus Demersal
84 Parrot seaperch Callanthias ruber Demersal
89 Sharpnose puffer Canthigaster rostrata Demersal
AAX Aaptosyax grypus Demersal
ABU Sergeant-major (Linnaeus 1758) Abudefduf saxatilis Demersal
AEG Snaggletooth Astronesthes gemmifer Demersal
AFK African forktail snapper Vivaneau fourche d'Afrique Apsilus fuscus Demersal
AGQ Atlantic trumpetfish Aulostomus strigosus Demersal
AHN Swallowtail seaperch Barbier hirondelle Anthias anthias Demersal
AHR Snaggletooth Astronesthes niger Demersal
AIY Waryfish Ahliesaurus berryi Demersal
ALA Alexandria pompano Cordonnier bossu (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817) Alectis alexandrinus Pelagic
ALB Albacore Germon Thunnus alalunga Demersal
ALC Baird's slickhead Alépocéphale de Baird Alepocephalus bairdii Demersal
ALV Thresher Renard Alopias vulpinus Demersal
ALX Long snouted lancetfish Lancier longnez Alepisaurus ferox Demersal
AMB Greater amberjack Sériole couronnée Seriola dumerili Demersal
AMP Pebbletooth moray Echidna peli Demersal
ANE European anchovy Anchois Engraulis encrasicolus Demersal
ANM Slender snipe eel Avocette ruban Nemichthys scolopaceus Demersal
AOM Painted eel Serpenton miro Echelus myrus Demersal
AQH Chirurgien docteur Doctorfish Acanthurus chirurgus Pelagic
ARB Bandtooth conger Congre des Baléares Ariosoma balearicum Demersal
ASB Bean's sawtooth eel Serrivomer beani Demersal
ASD Allis shad Alose vraie=Grande alose Alosa alosa Demersal
AUR Rough-head sea catfish Kong Arius latiscutatus Demersal
AVW Leopard frogfish Antennarius pardalis Demersal
AWI Orange filefish Bourse orange Aluterus schoepfii Demersal
AWL Striated frogfish Antennarius striatus Demersal
AXH Red squirrelfish Marignan rouge Sargocentron hastatum Demersal
BAF Flat needlefish Orphie plate Ablennes hians Pelagic
BAG Guinean barracuda Sedda Sphyraena afra Demersal
BAL Ballyhoo halfbeak Demi-bec brésilien Hemiramphus brasiliensis Demersal
BBL Hairy toadfish Batrachoides liberiensis Demersal
BDU Spiderfish Bathypterois dubius Demersal
BET Bigeye tuna Thon obèse=Patudo Thunnus obesus Demersal
BFL Deep-sea tripod fishe Bathymicrops regis Demersal
BFQ Grinders Bathypterois quadrifilis Demersal
BGR Bastard grunt Daha Pomadasys incisus Demersal
BGZ Pigsnout grunt Grondeur nez de cochon Pomadasys rogerii Demersal
BHF Deep-sea lizardfish Bathysaurus ferox Demersal
BHG Glacier lantern fish Lanterne glaciaire Benthosema glaciale Demersal
BIS Bigeye scad Sélar coulisou Selar crumenophthalmus Demersal
BLB Blue butterfish Khassaw Stromateus fiatola Demersal
BLM Black marlin Makaire noir Makaira indica Demersal
BLT Bullet tuna Bonitou Auxis rochei Demersal
BLU Bluefish Ngot Pomatomus saltatrix Demersal
BLV Queen triggerfish Baliste royal Balistes vetula Demersal
BMA Antenna codlet Bregmaceros atlanticus Demersal
BNF Longfin bonefish Banane gisu Nemoossis belloci Demersal
BOA Bonga shad Kobo/Chrlo Ethmalosa fimbriata Pelagic
BOC Boarfish Sanglier Capros aper Demersal
BOG Bogue Bogue Boops boops Demersal
BON Atlantic bonito Woyain/Walass Sarda sarda Demersal
BPB Atlantic fanfish Pterycombus brama Demersal
BPO Longray fangjaw Bonapartia pedaliota Demersal
BRB Black seabream Dorade grise Spondyliosoma cantharus Demersal
BRD Bearded brotula Loos Brotula barbata Demersal
BRF Blackbelly rosefish Sébaste chèvre Helicolenus dactylopterus Demersal
BRM Sickle snaggletooth Borostomias mononema Demersal
BRO Copper shark Requin cuivre Carcharhinus brachyurus Demersal
BSC Bluespotted seabream Kibaro Pagrus caeruleostictus Demersal
BTN Scaleless dragonfish Bathophilus nigerrimus Demersal
BTS Hound needlefish Aiguille crocodile Tylosurus crocodilus Demersal
BTU Scaleless Black Dragonfish Bathophilus digitatus Demersal
BUA Atlantic bumper Lanya lanya Chloroscombrus chrysurus Demersal
BUM Blue marlin Makaire bleu Makaira nigricans Demersal
BUR Sompat grunt Sompat Pomadasys jubelini Demersal
BVJ Martens�€? moonflounder Monolène de Mertens Monolene mertensi Demersal
BVP Bluespotted triggerfish Ndorr Balistes punctatus Demersal
BVQ Smallscale codlet Bregmaceros nectabanus Demersal
BVR Silver deepsea smelt Bathylagoides argyrogaster Demersal
BVV Yellowmouth barracuda Bécune bouche jaune Sphyraena viridensis Demersal
BZD Blackbar hogfish Porceau dos noir Bodianus speciosus Demersal
CBA Cobia Mafou Rachycentron canadum Demersal
CBC Red bandfish Cépole commune Cepola macrophthalma Demersal
CBG Driftfish Dérivant Cubiceps gracilis Demersal
CBR Comber Serran-chèvre Serranus cabrilla Demersal
CBV Large-toothed conger Congre denté Bathyuroconger vicinus Demersal
CCA Bignose shark Gainde guetj Carcharhinus altimus Demersal
CCB Spinner shark Requin tisserand Carcharhinus brevipinna Demersal
CCE Bull shark Requin bouledogue Carcharhinus leucas Demersal
CCL Blacktip shark Requin bordé Carcharhinus limbatus Demersal
CCP Sandbar shark Requin gris Carcharhinus plumbeus Demersal
CCS Night shark Requin de nuit Carcharhinus signatus Demersal
CCT Sand tiger shark Requin taureau Carcharias taurus Demersal
CEC West African ladyfish Lak Elops lacerta Demersal
CEG Senegalese ladyfish Guinée du Sénégal Elops senegalensis Demersal
CEO Rudderfish Centrolophe noir Centrolophus niger Demersal
CET Wedge sole Céteau Dicologlossa cuneata Demersal
CFB Black dogfish Aiguillat noir Centroscyllium fabricii Demersal
CFQ Niger hind Mérou du Niger Cephalopholis nigri Demersal
CFW Pompano dolphinfish Coryphaena equiselis Demersal
CIL Spotted flounder Feuille Citharus linguatula Demersal
CKL Law croaker Nguka Pseudotolithus brachygnathus Demersal
CMK Damselfish Castagnole Chromis chromis Demersal
CNN Sicklefin chimaera Neoharriotta pinnata Demersal
CNT Rough triggerfish Baliste rude Canthidermis maculata Demersal
COE European conger Congre d'Europe Conger conger Demersal
COU Rainbow wrasse Girelle Coris julis Demersal
CPL Lowfin gulper shark Squale-chagrin longue dorsale Centrophorus lusitanicus Demersal
CPU Little gulper shark Petit squale-chagrin Centrophorus uyato Demersal
CTZ Streaked gurnard Grondin camard Chelidonichthys lastoviza Demersal
CVJ Crevalle jack Saka Caranx hippos Demersal
CVN Black swallower Gargare noir Chiasmodon niger Demersal
CVW Shortnose greeneye Eperlan du large Chlorophthalmus agassizi Demersal
CYH Large-eyed rabbitfish Chimère à gros yeux Hydrolagus mirabilis Demersal
CYL Gulf chimaera Hydrolagus alberti Demersal
CYO Portuguese dogfish Pailona commun Centroscymnus coelolepis Demersal
CYP Longnose velvet dogfish Pailona à long nez Centroscymnus crepidater Demersal
CZT Ocean triggerfish Canthidermis sufflamen Demersal
DBF Stubby lanternfish Bolinichthys supralateralis Demersal
DBI Guinean Bandfish Cepola pauciradiata Demersal
DBL Rotund dragonfish Bathophilus brevis Demersal
DBR Barbeled dragonfishes Borostomias elucens Demersal
DCA Birdbeak dogfish Squale savate Deania calcea Demersal
DDJ Night sergeant Night sergeant Abudefduf taurus Demersal
DEA Angolan dentex Camara camara/Butterfish Dentex angolensis Demersal
DEC Common dentex Denté commun Dentex dentex Demersal
DEL Large-eye dentex Denté à gros yeux Dentex macrophthalmus Demersal
DEM Morocco dentex Denté du Maroc Dentex maroccanus Demersal
DEN Canary dentex Denté à tache rouge Dentex canariensis Demersal
DEP Pink dentex Gros denté rose Dentex gibbosus Demersal
DHQ Senegal seabream Sparaillon africain Diplodus bellottii Demersal
DHY Two-banded seabream Sar à tête noire du Cap Vert Diplodus prayensis Demersal
DHZ Ocellated wedge sole Céteau ocellé Dicologlossa hexophthalma Demersal
DIJ Banded seabream Diplodus fasciatus Demersal
DIY Spotted porcupinefish Porc-épic boubou Diodon hystrix Demersal
DJJ Night sergeant Abudefduf taurus Demersal
DKY Mauritanian shortfaced eel Panturichthys mauritanicus Demersal
DLF Dark Barracudina Dolichosudis fuliginosa Demersal
DLT Striped escolar Escolier rayé Diplospinus multistriatus Demersal
DMT Short-tail eel Coloconger cadenati Demersal
DMU Short-tail conger Ariosoma anale Demersal
DNC Congo dentex Denté congolais Dentex congoensis Demersal
DOH Sleeper Goby Dormitator lebretonis Demersal
DOL Common dolphinfish Coryphène commune Coryphaena hippurus Demersal
DOP Shortnose spurdog Aiguillat nez court Squalus megalops Demersal
DRF Brown driftfish Ariomme brune Ariomma melanum Demersal
DRS Boe drum Courbine pélin Pteroscion peli Demersal
DSM Polka-dot ribbonfish Desmodema polystictum Demersal
DTW Longwing spinyfin Dirette aile longue Diretmoides pauciradiatus Demersal
DUS Dusky shark Requin de sable Carcharhinus obscurus Demersal
DUU Silver spinyfin Diretmus argenteus Demersal
DYL Flying gurnard Ganarr-ri-gauge Dactylopterus volitans Demersal
ECR Threadfin Dragonfish Echiostoma barbatum Demersal
EEG Dungat grouper Doye Epinephelus goreensis Demersal
EEI Haifa grouper Mérou d'Haifa Epinephelus haifensis Demersal
EET Atlantic goliath grouper Mérou géant de l'Atlantique Epinephelus itajara Demersal
EFA Bluespotted seabass Mérou à points bleus Cephalopholis taeniops Demersal
EFG Prickly puffer Boun foki/konkareh Ephippion guttifer Demersal
EGC Constance Deepwater Cardinalfish Epigonus constanciae Demersal
EHI Curled picarel Picarel guetteur Centracanthus cirrus Demersal
EHN Live sharksucker Rémora commun Echeneis naucrates Demersal
ELE European eel Anguille d'Europe Anguilla anguilla Demersal
EOC African rockhopper Entomacrodus cadenati Demersal
EOV Sleepers Eleotris vittata Demersal
EPI Black cardinal fish Poisson cardinal Epigonus telescopus Demersal
EPK Goldblotch grouper Mérou badèche Epinephelus costae Demersal
ETP Smooth lanternshark Sagre nain Etmopterus pusillus Demersal
ETX Velvet belly Sagre commun Etmopterus spinax Demersal
EVO Balbo sabretooth Evermannella balbo Demersal
EVZ Atlantic flyingfish Exocet atlantique Cheilopogon melanurus Demersal
EYO Atlantic rubyfish Erythrocles monodi Demersal
EZS Slender rockfish Rascasse rose Scorpaena elongata Demersal
FAI Light fish Eustomias lipochirus Demersal
FGU Longbarb dragonfish Flagellostomias boureei Demersal
FIK Planehead filefish Bourse brune Stephanolepis hispidus Demersal
FIP Red cornetfish Cornette rouge Fistularia petimba Demersal
FOA Sharpchin flyingfish Fodiator acutus Demersal
FOR Forkbeard Phycis de roche Phycis phycis Demersal
FRI Frigate tuna Kiri kiri Auxis thazard Demersal
FTI Atlantic mudskipper Sauteur de vase atlantique Periophthalmus barbarus Demersal
FUT Cornetfish Cornette tachetée Fistularia tabacaria Demersal
GAG Tope shark Requin-hâ Galeorhinus galeus Demersal
GAL Lesser African threadfin Chekem/Siket Mbao Galeoides decadactylus Demersal
GAQ African sawtail catshark Chien râpe Galeus polli Demersal
GBA Great barracuda Sedda Sphyraena barracuda Demersal
GBL Biglip grunt Diagramme à grosses lèvres Plectorhinchus macrolepis Demersal
GBR Rubberlip grunt Banda Plectorhinchus mediterraneus Demersal
GDZ Delta goby Gobionellus occidentalis Demersal
GES Snake mackerel Escolier serpent Gempylus serpens Demersal
GEZ Guinean striped mojarra Friture rayée Gerres nigri Demersal
GFG Guinean conger Congre de Guinée Paraconger notialis Demersal
GMG Thorny tinselfish Grammicolepis brachiusculus Demersal
GMU Guinea flathead Platycephale de Guinée Solitas gruveli Demersal
GNC Nurse shark Nelewan Ginglymostoma cirratum Demersal
GOA West African goatfish Rousser Pseudupeneus prayensis Demersal
GPC Guinean pike conger Murénésoce de Guinée Cynoponticus ferox Demersal
GPD Dusky grouper Kotji/Dialakh Epinephelus marginatus Demersal
GPW White grouper Choff Epinephelus aeneus Demersal
GRB Bigeye grunt Hurr hurr Brachydeuterus auritus Demersal
GUP Gulper shark Mbiram laye Centrophorus granulosus Demersal
GUQ Leafscale gulper shark Squale-chagrin de l'Atlantique Centrophorus squamosus Demersal
GXW Darwin's slimehead Gephyroberyx darwinii Demersal
HBR African halfbeak Demi-bec africain Hyporhamphus picarti Demersal
HDW Pemarco blackfish Rouffe rayé Schedophilus pemarco Demersal
HFW Guinean angelfish Holacanthus africanus Demersal
HKB Benguela hake Merlu d'Afrique tropicale Merluccius polli Demersal
HKM Senegalese hake Merlu du Sénégal Merluccius senegalensis Demersal
HMC Cape horse mackerel Chinchard du Cap Trachurus capensis Demersal
HMM Mediterranean horse mackerel Chinchard à queue jaune Trachurus mediterraneus Demersal
HMY False scad Jai Decapterus rhonchus Demersal
HMZ Trachurus trecae Cunene horse mackerel Chinchard du Cun�ne Pelagic
HOM Atlantic horse mackerel Chinchard d'Europe Trachurus trachurus Pelagic
HPH Short snouted seahorse Hippocampe à nez court Hippocampus hippocampus Demersal
HPR Mediterranean slimehead Hoplostète argenté Hoplostethus mediterraneus Demersal
HRL West African spadefish Chaetodipterus lippei Demersal
HTH Four-banded butterflyfish Chaetodon hoefleri Demersal
HTU Glasseye Beauclaire de roche Heteropriacanthus cruentatus Demersal
HXB Bicolor jack Carangue bicolore Hemicaranx bicolor Demersal
HXC Frilled shark Requin lézard Chlamydoselachus anguineus Demersal
HXL Yellowfin jack Carangue palomète Hemicaranx leucurus Demersal
HXM Bluntnose jack Carangue nez court Hemicaranx amblyrhynchus Demersal
HXT Sharpnose sevengill shark Requin perlon Heptranchias perlo Demersal
HYQ Oyster blenny Hypleurochilus aequipinnis Demersal
HYS Glasshead grenadier Hymenocephalus italicus Demersal
HZI West African seahorse Hippocampus algiricus Demersal
HZL Azores chromis Castagnole à queue rayée Chromis limbata Demersal
ICI Yes sole Ceteau trompue Heteromycteris proboscideus Demersal
IDD Richardson's snaggletooth Astronesthes richardsoni Demersal
IIG Pink frogmouth Chaunax pictus Demersal
ILI West African ilisha Alose rasoir Ilisha africana Demersal
IMB Silver-rag driftfish Ariomme grise Ariomma bondi Demersal
IYT Smooth flounder Citharichthys stampflii Demersal
JAI Brown ray Raie miroir Raja miraletus Demersal
JBF Dwarf dory Dwarf dory Zenion hololepis Demersal
JDP Common stingray Pastenague commune Dasyatis pastinaca Demersal
JOD John dory John dory Zeus faber Acanthuridae
JOS Silvery John dory Saint Pierre argent� Zenopsis conchifer Pelagic
KVA Hairy blenny Labrisomus nuchipinnis Demersal
KYS Bermuda sea chub Calicagère blanche Kyphosus sectatrix Demersal
KZS Banana mullet Mulet banae Mugil bananensis Demersal
KZW Largescaled mullet Mulet écailleux Liza grandisquamis Demersal
KZY Sicklefin mullet Mulet à grandes nageoires Liza falcipinnis Demersal
KZZ Longspine African angler Baudroie épineuse Lophiodes kempi Demersal
LEC Escolar Escolier noir Lepidocybium flavobrunneum Demersal
LEE Leerfish Liche Lichia amia Demersal
LFL Smooth puffer Lagocephalus laevigatus Demersal
LGH Oceanic puffer Compère océanique Lagocephalus lagocephalus Demersal
LHT Trichiurus lepturus Largehead hairtail Poisson-sabre commun Pelagic
LIJ African pompano Cordonnier fil Alectis ciliaris Demersal
LJA African red snapper Yahk/Diabar Lutjanus agennes Demersal
LJE African brown snapper Vivaneau brun d'Afrique Lutjanus dentatus Demersal
LJO Gorean snapper Diagatoum Lutjanus goreensis Demersal
LRE Tapertail Radiicephalus elongatus Demersal
LSC Tube-eye Stylephorus chordatus Demersal
LTA Little skipj Thonine commune Euthynnus alletteratus Demersal
LTN Atlantic emperor Empereur atlantique Lethrinus atlanticus Demersal
LUK African moonfish Musso africain Selene dorsalis Demersal
LVN Golden African snapper Vivaneau doré Lutjanus fulgens Demersal
LYY Dragonet Dragonet lyre Callionymus lyra Demersal
LZD Grooved mullet Thiap Liza dumerili Demersal
MAE Spotted eagle ray Aigle de mer l�opard Aetobatus narinari Pelagic
MAS Pacific chub mackerel Maquereau espagnol Pacifique Scomber japonicus Demersal
MAW West African Spanish mackerel Thazard blanc Scomberomorus tritor Demersal
MCN Stoplight loosejaw Malacosteus niger Demersal
MDO Monrovia doctorfish Chirurgien chas-chas canthurus monroviae Pelagic
MFF Flagfin mojarra Blanche drapeau Eucinostomus melanopterus Demersal
MGR Meagre Beur/Seukhebi Argyrosomus regius Demersal
MGU White mullet Mulet blanc Mugil curema Demersal
MHH Whiskered sole Sole velue Monochirus hispidus Demersal
MKU Mottled grouper Badèche rouge Mycteroperca rubra Demersal
MLL Softhead grenadier Grenadier barbu Malacocephalus laevis Demersal
MOX Ocean sunfish Poisson lune Mola mola Demersal
MRB Cownose ray Mourine américaine Rhinoptera bonasus Demersal
MRK Foureyed sole Sole ocellée Microchirus ocellatus Demersal
MSD Mackerel scad Comète maquereau Decapterus macarellus Demersal
MUF Flathead grey mullet Guiss/Khir Mugil cephalus Demersal
MUR Surmullet Rouget de roche Mullus surmuletus Demersal
MUT Red mullet Rouget de vase Mullus barbatus Demersal
MVA Shortspine African angler Baudroie africaine Lophius vaillanti Demersal
MYL Common eagle ray Aigle commun Myliobatis aquila Demersal
MZF Zugmayer's pearleye Benthalbella infans Demersal
MZG Highfin lizardfish Bathysaurus mollis Demersal
MZT Bastard sole Sole-perdrix juive Microchirus theophila Demersal
NAU Pilotfish Poisson pilote Naucrates ductor Demersal
NCV Warming�€?s lanternfish Ceratoscopelus warmingii Demersal
NGB Lemon shark Requin citron Negaprion brevirostris Demersal
NHF Facciola's sorcerer Facciolella oxyrhyncha Demersal
NLT Black snake mackerel Escolier reptile Nealotus tripes Demersal
NUO Butterfly blenny Blennie papillon Blennius ocellaris Demersal
NXL Horse-eye jack Carangue mayole Caranx latus Demersal
NXS Senegal jack Carangue du Sénégal Decapturus senegallus Demersal
NZA Common Atlantic grenadier Grenadier lisse Nezumia aequalis Demersal
OAL Senegalese sole Sole du Sénégal Solea senegalensis Demersal
OCS Oceanic whitetip shark Requin océanique Carcharhinus longimanus Demersal
ODI Digitate cusk eel Abadèche doigts Dicrolene intronigra Demersal
ODM Undistinguished sabretooth Odontostomops normalops Demersal
OGT Cardinal fish Coq Apogon imberbis Demersal
OIL Oilfish Rouvet Ruvettus pretiosus Demersal
OLM Stareye lightfish Pollichthys mauli Demersal
OOZ Spotted snake-eel Serpenton tacheté Ophichthus ophis Demersal
OUA Short fin pearleye Scopelarchus analis Demersal
OUB Wide-eyed flounder Rombou podas Bothus podas Demersal
OUY Sleepers Bostrychus africanus Demersal
OXG Atlantic smallwing flyingfish Demi-bec à aile longue Oxyporhamphus micropterus Demersal
OXN Sailfin roughshark Humantin Oxynotus paradoxus Demersal
OXY Angular roughshark Centrine commune Oxynotus centrina Demersal
PAC Common pandora Pageot commun Pagellus erythrinus Demersal
PAR Red pandora Pageot à tache rouge Pagellus bellottii Demersal
PET Royal threadfin Ngorr Sikim/N'diane diara Pentanemus quinquarius Demersal
PHO Risso's smooth-head Caussinie Alepocephalus rostratus Demersal
PJC African armoured searobin Malarmat Peristedion cataphractum Demersal
PKC Dara Parakuhlia macrophthalmus Demersal
PKE Parrot grunt Grondeur perroquet Pomadasys perotaei Demersal
POA Atlantic pomfret Grande castagnole Brama brama Demersal
POP Pompano Palomine Trachinotus ovatus Demersal
PQR Atlantic bigeye Priacanthus arenatus Demersal
PRP Roudi escolar Escolier clair Promethichthys prometheus Demersal
PSB Spiny turbot Turbot épineux Psettodes bennettii Demersal
PSE Bobo croaker Jortoh Pseudotolithus elongatus Demersal
PSK Crocodile shark Requin crocodile Pseudocarcharias kamoharai Demersal
PSS Cassava croaker Fotta Pseudotolithus senegalensis Demersal
PSW Black codling Physiculus dalwigki Demersal
PTA Keeltail needlefish Orphie carénée Platybelone argalus Demersal
PTM False catshark Requin à longue dorsale Pseudotriakis microdon Demersal
PTY Longneck croaker Tonone Pseudotolithus typus Demersal
PWR Pachycara spp Demersal
PXV Stout beardfish Poisson chèvre robuste Polymixia nobilis Demersal
QAR Combtooth blennies Parablennius goreensis Demersal
QAY Tentacled blenny Blennie cornue Parablennius tentacularis Demersal
QBA Bluntnose flyingfish Exocet jibeux Prognichthys gibbifrons Demersal
QBC Bigeye searsid Holtbyrnia macrops Demersal
QBD Maul's searsid Maulisia mauli Demersal
QBL Round hatchetfish Polyipnus polli Demersal
QBO Barbeled dragonfishes Aristostomias xenostoma Demersal
QBS African moony Breton africain Monodactylus sebae Demersal
QBV Short-tailed pipefish Syngnathe à queue courte Microphis brachyurus Demersal
QCA Scaleless black dragonfish Melanostomias bartonbeani Demersal
QCJ Emerald parrotfish Perroquet émeraude Nicholsina usta Demersal
QCQ Southern common seabream Pagre des tropiques Pagrus africanus Demersal
QOI Lusitanian sole Sole lusitanienne Microchirus boscanion Demersal
QOJ Frechkop�€?s sole Sole de Frechkop Microchirus frechkopi Demersal
QOK Banded sole Sole fasciée Microchirus wittei Demersal
QRA Pacific hatchet fish Argyropelecus affinis Demersal
QRB Hatchetfish Argyropelecus gigas Demersal
QRC Half-naked hatchetfish Argyropelecus hemigymnus Demersal
QRD Sladen's hatchet fish Argyropelecus sladeni Demersal
QUB Longnose spurdog Aiguillat coq Squalus blainville Demersal
QZF Marcella Butterflyfish Prognathodes marcellae Demersal
QZU Bigeye picarel Picarel à gros yeux Spicara alta Demersal
QZV Redfin parrotfish Perroquet basto Sparisoma rubripinne Demersal
QZZ Spotted soapfish Savon tacheté Rypticus subbifrenatus Demersal
RBC Blackchin guitarfish Poisson-guitare fouisseur Rhinobatos cemiculus Demersal
RBX Common guitarfish Dakouna Rhinobatos rhinobatos Demersal
RCL African wedgefish Rhynchobatus luebberti Demersal
RDC Roughtail stingray Pastenague des îles Dasyatis centroura Demersal
RDH Blue stingray Dasyatis chrysonota Demersal
RDS Daisy stingray Dasyatis margarita Demersal
REA Redbanded seabream Pagre rayé Pagrus auriga Demersal
REL King of herrings Roi des harengs Regalecus glesne Demersal
REO Shark sucker Rémora des requins Remora remora Demersal
REY Spearfish remora Rémora des espadons Remora brachyptera Demersal
RFL Spotted skate Raja straeleni Demersal
RGI Smooth butterfly ray Raie-papillon glabre Gymnura micrura Demersal
RGL Spiny butterfly ray Raie-papillon épineuse Gymnura altavela Demersal
RHA Milk shark Gainde gauge Rhizoprionodon acutus Demersal
RHH Bluntnose guitarfish Rhinobatos blochii Demersal
RHN Whale shark Requin baleine Rhincodon typus Demersal
RJA White skate Raie blanche Raja alba Demersal
RJC Thornback ray Raie bouclée Raja clavata Demersal
RLR Guinean amberjack Sériole guinéenne Seriola carpenteri Demersal
RPG Red porgy Pagre rouge Pagrus pagrus Demersal
RPM Largetooth sawfish Poisson-scie grandent Pristis microdon Demersal
RPP Smalltooth sawfish Poisson-scie trident Pristis pectinata Demersal
RPR Common sawfish Poisson-scie commun Pristis pristis Demersal
RSE Red scorpionfish Rascasse rouge Scorpaena scrofa Demersal
RTB Round stingray Raiyentan Taeniura grabata Demersal
RUB Blue runner Fetta Caranx crysos Demersal
RYC Greater soapfish Grand savon Rypticus saponaceus Demersal
SAA Round sardinella Yabuoy/Meureug Sardinella aurita Demersal
SAE Madeiran sardinella Yabuoy/Tass Sardinella maderensis Demersal
SAH Blackchin tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron Demersal
SAI Atlantic sailfish Voilier de l'Atlantique Istiophorus albicans Demersal
SBA Axillary seabream Pageot acarne Pagellus acarne Demersal
SBG Gilthead seabream Warrange Sparus aurata Demersal
SBR Blackspot=red seabream Dorade rose Pagellus bogaraveo Demersal
SBS Saddled seabream Oblade Oblada melanura Demersal
SBZ Zebra seabream Sar à grosses lèvres Diplodus cervinus Demersal
SDU Arrowhead dogfish Squale-savate lutin Deania profundorum Demersal
SEY Violet warehou Rouffe africain Schedophilus velaini Demersal
SFN Parin's spinyfish Dirette de Parin Diretmichthys parini Demersal
SGQ Greater pipefish Syngnathe aiguille Syngnathus acus Demersal
SHB Bramble shark Squale bouclé Echinorhinus brucus Demersal
SHR Sharpsnout seabream Sar à museau pointu Diplodus puntazzo Demersal
SIC African sicklefish Tapandarr Drepane africana Demersal
SKJ Skipjack tuna Listao Katsuwonus pelamis Demersal
SLM Salema Saupe Sarpa salpa Demersal
SLQ Senegalese rockfish Scorpaena laevis Demersal
SMA Shortfin mako Taupe bleue Isurus oxyrinchus Demersal
SMC Smoothmouth sea catfish Ngunja Arius heudelotii Demersal
SMD Smooth-hound �‰missole lisse Mustelus mustelus Demersal
SNS Longspine snipefish Bécasse de mer Macroramphosus scolopax Demersal
SOL Common sole Sole commune Solea solea Demersal
SOT Spottail spiny turbot Trippo Psettodes belcheri Demersal
SPF Longbill spearfish Makaire bécune Tetrapturus pfluegeri Demersal
SPK Great hammerhead Diange Sphyrna mokarran Demersal
SPL Scalloped hammerhead Requin-marteau halicorne Sphyrna lewini Demersal
SPU Spotted seabass Bar tacheté Dicentrarchus punctatus Demersal
SPV Whitefin hammerhead Requin-marteau aile blanche Sphyrna couardi Demersal
SPZ Smooth hammerhead Requin-marteau commun Sphyrna zygaena Demersal
SRJ Brown comber Serran-tambour Serranus hepatus Demersal
SRK Painted comber Serran écriture Serranus scriba Demersal
SSB Sand steenbras Marbré Lithognathus mormyrus Demersal
SSW Angola rockfish Scorpaena angolensis Demersal
SUA Sawback angelshark Ange de mer épineux Squatina aculeata Demersal
SUT Smoothback angelshark Ange de mer ocellé Squatina oculata Demersal
SVG Channeled rockfish Rascasse serran Setarches guentheri Demersal
SVV Spotted-fin rockfish Rascasse à nageoires tachetées Scorpaena stephanica Demersal
SWO Swordfish Espadon Xiphias gladius Acanthuridae
SXD Diaphanous hatchet fish Hache d'argent diaphane Sternoptyx diaphana Demersal
SXP Highlight hatchetfish Sternoptyx pseudobscura Demersal
SYE West African catshark Roussette thalassa Scyliorhinus cervigoni Demersal
SYT Nursehound Grande roussette Scyliorhinus stellaris Demersal
SZA Blackmouth bass Synagrops bellus Demersal
TAC Blackspot picarel Picarel de l'Atlantique sud-es Spicara melanurus Demersal
TAL Big-scale pomfret Taractichthys longipinnis Demersal
TAR Tarpon Tarpon argenté Megalops atlanticus Demersal
TCR Pomfret Demersal
TCY Snakefish Anoli serpent Synodus myops Demersal
TGA Giant African threadfin Kujeli Polydactylus quadrifilis Demersal
TIE Shortfin pompano Pompaneau né-bé Trachinotus teraia Demersal
TOG Longfin pompano Pompaneau tacheté Trachinotus goreensis Demersal
TOO Guinean pompano Pompaneau chévron Trachinotus maxillosus Demersal
TRQ Mediterranean dealfish Poisson ruban Trachipterus trachypterus Demersal
TRZ White trevally Carangue dentue Pseudocaranx dentex Demersal
TSP Blunthead puffer Compère émoussé Sphoeroides pachygaster Demersal
TTO Electric ray Torpille noire Torpedo nobiliana Demersal
TTR Marbled electric ray Torpille marbrée Torpedo marmorata Demersal
TTV Common torpedo Torpille ocellée Torpedo torpedo Demersal
TWA Yellowtail sardinella Sardinelle à queue jaune Sardinella rouxi Demersal
TWB Phaeton dragonet Dragonet de Phaeton Synchiropus phaeton Demersal
TZA Spotted weever Vive araignée Trachinus araneus Demersal
TZR Starry weever Vive à tête rayonnée Trachinus radiatus Demersal
UAE Zebra tilefish Tile zebre Branchiostegus semifasciatus Demersal
UAF Cape Verde gregory Stegastes imbricatus Demersal
UAU Batnose eel Dysomma brevirostre Demersal
UCA Canary drum(=Baardman) Ombrine bronze Umbrina canariensis Demersal
UDM Cameroon croaker Pseudotolithus moorii Demersal
UIG Blackfin waryfish Scopelosaurus lepidus Demersal
UJA Guinean flagfin Limbert guineen Aulopus cadenati Demersal
UJC Whitespotted stargazer Uranoscope � points blancs Uranoscopus polli Demersal
ULF Royal flagfin Limbert royal Aulopus filamentosus Demersal
UMO Fusca drum Ombrine fusca Umbrina ronchus Pelagic
USE Cottonmouth jack Carangue coton Uraspis secunda Pelagic
VAD Vadigo Liche lirio Campogramma glaycos Demersal
VAT Constelllationfish Constelllationfish Valenciennellus tripunctulatus Pelagic
VIA Vinciguerria attenuata Vinciguerria attenuata Vinciguerria attenuata Pelagic
VXA Bulldog dentex Bulldog dentex Virididentex acromegalus Pelagic
WEC Round scad Comète quiaquia Decapterus punctatus Demersal
WHM Atlantic white marlin Makaire blanc de l'Atlantique Tetrapturus albidus Demersal
WIO Cyclope sole Sole-pole à trois taches Pegusa triophthalma Demersal
WLJ Ghanian comber Serran ganéen Serranus accraensis Demersal
WRF Wreckfish Cernier commun Polyprion americanus Demersal
WVW Guinean weever Vive guinéenne Trachinus armatus Demersal
XED Spotted tinselfish Spotted tinselfish Xenolepidichthys dalgleishi Pelagic
YFT Yellowfin tuna Albacore Thunnus albacares Demersal
YFU Elongate tonguesole Symphurus ligulatus Demersal
YGL Papillose flounder Fausse limande paté Syacium guineensis Demersal
YMZ Yellow goatfish Capucin jaune Mulloidichthys martinicus Demersal
YNU Portuguese sole Sole ruardon commune Synaptura lusitanica Demersal
YNY Guinean sole Sole teegirr Synaptura cadenati Demersal
YOE Senegalese tonguesole Sole longue Cynoglossus senegalensis Demersal
YOI Canary tonguesole Sole-langue canarienne Cynoglossus canariensis Demersal
YOW Nigerian tonguesole Sole-langue nigérienne Cynoglossus browni Demersal
YQF Ghanian tonguesole Sole-langue du Ghana Cynoglossus cadenati Demersal
YQG Guinean tonguesole ngress/Ndedere Cynoglossus monodi Demersal
YRS European barracuda Bécune européenne Sphyraena sphyraena Demersal
YRU Guachanche barracuda Sedda, Khede Sphyraena guachancho Demersal
YTB Bristlemouth, Pale Bristlemouth Cyclothone alba Demersal
YTM Veiled anglemouth Cyclothone microdon Demersal
YTU Garrick Cyclothone braueri Demersal
YTV Bristlemouths Cyclothone livida Demersal
ZAC Deepbody boarfish Sanglier chevrette Antigonia capros Demersal
ZCD Red dory Saint Pierre rouge Cyttopsis rosea Demersal

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